Sunday, April 15, 2012

MSG Leader's declaration on Environment and Climate Change - PACNEWS PINA

Copyright Pacifikanakynews : from left to right : Caroline Machoro and Rodrigue Tiavouane 

11 APRIL 2012 SUVA (MSG SECRETARIAT) ---- The Leaders of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) have agreed to act together for the people of Melanesia and sign the “MSG Leaders Declaration on Environment & Climate Change” at the Leader’s Summit on the 30 March 2012 at the Vale ni Bose Complex in Suva, Fiji.

They declared that the Leaders of the Melanesian Spearhead Group; the Republic of Fiji, the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, the Republic of Vanuatu and the Front de Liberation Nationale Kanak et Socialiste (FLNKS) of New Caledonia recognise the critical importance of a healthy environment for the long term livelihoods of the people of Melanesia.  The Leaders further acknowledged the need for MSG to take significant steps to ensure the management and conservation of their unique ecosystems and biodiversity including tropical forests, river systems, mountain and coastal ecosystems and marine resources;

The Leaders declared that the MSG realizes the global importance and contribution of the Melanesian marine and terrestrial biodiversity to Global Biodiversity and the need for urgent and significant action to conserve and manage these resources. The declaration by the MSG leaders highlights that climate change adds to the existing challenges of growing populations and socio-economic development threatening the status of our natural environment, and the role of healthy ecosystems as essential natural infrastructure in mitigating and protecting us from the impacts of climate change. 

The declaration also endorses the adoption of a “Framework for Green Growth” as the basis for all development and note the significance of existing regional initiatives such as the Pacific Mangroves Initiative, Coral Triangle Initiative and other related initiatives supported by donors and partners.  It also notes the various calls for global action on climate change in particular its focus on threats of Climate change to the viability of some of MSG’s island communities.

The Leaders declared that members take together, a significant step forward in the development of the MSG with this agreement for a joint Melanesia Environment and Climate Change Declaration. The Leaders of the MSG called for a “Melanesia Blue Carbon Initiative” that will recognize the significant role of mangroves, wetlands, coastal swamps and sea grass beds in sequestering carbon as well as other inherent benefits such as coastal protection and food security. This initiative will also inform decision makers in Melanesia on the scale and value of these important areas as well as a strategy to conserve and manage these resources.

Leaders also announced the establishment of a “Melanesia Terrestrial Commitment” for the conservation, sustainable management and restoration of their terrestrial environment and ecosystems. The Melanesia Terrestrial Commitment will formalize an obligation from each of the Members’ to conserve and manage forests, major water catchments and river systems, mountain and coastal eco-systems as well as ensure sustainable land use practices are applied with agriculture and development. Traditional landowner communities will be effectively engaged and supported in the process of managing and conserving their environment.   This will include the strengthening of landowner communities and principal partners to sustainably manage their natural resources including forests, wetlands, fresh water and other natural ecosystems through co-management arrangements for long-term management effectiveness.

The Declaration also extends towards “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) + like” benefits to non-forest owning communities and non-forest ecosystems. Leaders also called on members to establish sustainable financing mechanisms at a regional and national level to support restoration, management and conservation activities.  They further called on members to invest in national capacity to manage natural resources at various levels including Government, Civil Society and land owning communities.
Leaders said that members must ensure that the benefits from healthy terrestrial ecosystems are sustainable and resilient in times of climate and environmental change.  They called on the enhancement of the sustainable livelihoods of landowning communities, who are dependent on mineral or oil/gas wealth, and to manage and retain their natural heritage by engaging in future economic activities (ecotourism, Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES), pharmaceuticals).

Leaders called on all members to lead regional and global efforts in the delivery of the 2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets.  Leaders also called for the development of a Melanesia Green Climate Fund to be resourced by climate change mitigation and adaptation funding and other innovative mechanisms including investments from the mining and extraction industries and private sector This will support the implementation of the Melanesia Terrestrial Initiative and related marine activities to undertake climate mitigation and adaptation action.

They also said that they are committed to a significant MSG role in Environment and Climate Change issues by formalizing an MSG Environment and Climate Change Ministers meeting, a MSG Environmental and Climate Change Technical Advisory Group and an Environment and Climate Change Unit in the MSG Secretariat. Leaders tasked the MSG Environment and Climate Change Ministers to oversee the effective implementation of their Declaration with regular reports to the MSG Leaders Forum.

The MSG Leaders invited global and regional partners, private sector interests in Melanesia including mining and other extraction industries, to work with the MSG to achieve the results that MSG aspire to in the Declaration. ....PACNEWS (PINA)

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