Sunday, April 15, 2012

1204: Discours/Statement Victor Tutugoro FLNKS at the MSG Leaders Summit Suva - Fiji

Credit photo : MINFO - PACIFKANAKYNEWS - PM Bainimarama & Victor Tutugoro

Discours au sommet
Groupe du Fer de Lance Mélanésien
Suva 29 mars 2012-03-27

·         Commodore Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama, Premier Ministre de la Republique de Fiji, et President du GFLM

·         Honourable Sato Kilman,
Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu;

·         Honourable Gordon Darcy Lilo,
Prime Minister of the Solomon Islands;

·         Honourable Ano Pala,
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Papua New Guinea;

·         Ratu Inoke Kubuabola,
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Fiji and Chair of the MSG Foreign Ministers Meeting;

·         Honourable Alfred Carlot,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Vanuatu;

·         Honourable Clay Forau,
Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade of the Solomon Islands;

·         Your Excellencies;

·         Director General of the MSG Secretariat;

·         Distinguished Guests;

·         Senior Officials;

·         Ladies and Gentlemen.



Je voudrai d’abord féliciter notre hôte pour l’accueil qui a été réservé à nos délégations durant ces semaines de travaux.

Le FLNKS est heureux d’avoir participé durant ces deux semaines aux travaux du GFLM ici à Suva et de pouvoir saisir l’opportunité de participer à vos côtés à façonner la Mélanésie que l’on lèguera à nos enfants et aux générations futures. Le FLNKS  actera bien entendu  à vos côtés les résolutions de ce spécial sommet de mars 2012.

Je voudrai encore vous  féliciter Monsieur le Premier Ministre, pour la mise en œuvre  prochaine ici à Fiji d’un processus de consultation et d’élaboration d’une nouvelle constitution conformément aux engagements que vous avez toujours manifesté au GFLM.

Je voudrai également vous remercier pour les efforts accomplis par l’ensemble des pays du GFLM pour le soutien à notre combat politique et particulièrement Monsieur le Président du GFLM pour le travail porté par le secrétariat du GFLM auprès des instances internationales de l’ONU.

Le FLNKS réuni en congrès le weekend end dernier a décidé de mettre en œuvre une stratégie commune, rassemblée et unitaire pour porter l’accord de Nouméa et relever l’un des défis majeurs qui est celui de convaincre pour rassembler une majorité électorale autour de son projet d’accession à l’indépendance et à la pleine souveraineté pour Kanaky..

Le congrès du FLNKS a rappelé par ailleurs l’importance pour Kanaky/Nouvelle Calédonie à s’insérer pleinement et entièrement dans la région aux côtés des pays de la Mélanésie pour relever les enjeux qui se posent aux peuples du Pacifique.

Je voudrai ainsi, au nom du FLNKS, vous remercier honorables Premiers Ministres, de l’accueil manifesté au Président du congrès de la Nouvelle Calédonie- Mr Rock WAMYTAN et à sa délégation dans nos différentes capitales de la Mélanésie. Ses visites se situent dans le but d’ancrer durablement Kanaky /Nouvelle Calédonie dans sa région.

Comme je vous l’ai indiqué par courrier Monsieur le Président du GFLM, l’élection présidentielle française et  les élections au parlement de la France  mobilisent fortement la classe politique en NC et le FLNKS vous a proposé de différer la seconde visite ministérielle du GFLM. Le FLNKS serait honoré de vous accueillir Monsieur le Président ainsi que toutes les délégations en juillet prochain pour cette seconde visite.

Pour la seconde fois de notre histoire, le FLNKS est appelé à organiser le sommet du GFLM l’an prochain en 2013, année qui marque la vingt cinquième année de l’existence de notre groupe, année prévue également pour l’organisation des premiers jeux de la Mélanésie.

Avec votre aide à tous, et avec l’appui logistique du secrétariat du GFLM, le FLNKS va organiser ces rendez-vous pour que par votre présence l’année 2013 ait cet  éclat particulier en Kanaky/nouvelle Calédonie,.

Monsieur le Président du GFLM, Honorables Premiers Ministres, honorables membres de gouvernement, je vous remercie.

Porte Parole au GFLM

I want to congratulate and thank our host for the wonderful hospitality and logistical arrangements accorded to all delegations, during these two weeks of meetings.

The FLNKS is very pleased to have been able to participate in meetings of the constituent bodies during these two weeks of work with the MSG including this august Summit here in Suva, and we seize this opportunity to participate at your side to nurture and shape the Melanesia that we want passed on to our children and future generations. FLNKS will act on the resolutions of this special summit March 2012.

Mr Chairman, let me also congratulate you for your excellent Chairmanship of our organisation since you took up the Chair’s Office in 2011. Let me also congratulate you in your capacity as Prime Minister of the Republic of Fiji for the planned conduct and implementation here in your country of the consultation process leading to the drafting of your new constitution in line with the commitments you have always advocated for within the MSG.

I want to thank, through you, Mr Chairman, the renewed and continuous commitments of all the MSG members in your unfailing support for our political struggle, and especially Mr Chairman of the MSG, the excellent work carried by the MSG Secretariat to facilitate our interactions at international arena, especially in the UN Decolonization Committee (C24) with the excellent assistance of MSG Permanent Representatives in the United Nations.

The FLNKS during its most recent Congress held last weekend firmly resolved to jointly institute for implementation a common strategy, one that is built on a reunited front to carry the Noumea Accord through one of the major challenges which is to convince all voters of different political groupings to rally as an electoral majority behind its Independence Project towards the complete sovereignty of Kanaky.

The FLNKS Congress also recalled the importance for Kanaky / New Caledonia to integrate fully and completely in the region alongside the countries of the MSG to address the many challenges that are faced by the peoples of the Pacific.

On behalf of the FLNKS, I would also like to thank you Honorable Prime Ministers of the MSG for the hospitality you all extended to the President of the Congress of New Caledonia, Mr Rock Wamytan and his delegation during our MSG Capital visits. His visits are conducted in order to anchor Kanaky / New Caledonia in the region, by way of opening windows of opportunity for a smoother regional integration.

On the upcoming Ministerial visit to Kanaky-NC, you will recall Mr Chairman that I wrote to the Leaders through you explaining the circumstances of the French presidential and parliamentary elections which has now strongly mobilized the political class in NC; reason for which the FLNKS has proposed to defer the second MSG Ministerial visit to New Caledonia from its initial schedule of March this month. The FLNKS would be honored to welcome you Mr Chairman and your MSG ministerial delegation in July for the second visit.

For the second time in our history, FLNKS will host the MSG summit next year in 2013, which will also coincide with the 25th Anniversary of our organization, and the staging of the first Melanesia Games agreed to by the Leaders in 2011 Summit here in Suva.

With all of your kind assistance, and the logistical support of the MSG Secretariat, the FLNKS will do its best to assume its hosting engagements so that your presence at the 2013 events in Kanaky land is made a special and memorable one.

Mr. Chairman, Honourable Prime Ministers and colleague Leaders, Honourable Ministers, your Excellencies and Officials of Government, I thank you for your kind attention.

Vinaka Vakalevu

Victor Tutugoro
FLNKS Spokesperson to the MSG

publie par Magalie TINGAL 
Avril 2012


1204 : Pacific Freedom Forum (PFF) join call for action over plane attack in Papua

Photo internet - pacifikanakynews 

Posted: 12 Apr 2012 12:24 PM PDT
PFF, Rarotonga, COOK ISLANDS -- Pacific media watchdogs are keen to see closure and prosecution from Indonesia's Police forces investigating the plane attack in Indonesia's Papua province on Sunday 8 April, which killed 35 year old journalist Leiron Kegoya.
Kegoya, a journalist for the Papua Pos and Pasifik Pos Dail was on assignment to cover local elections in the Papua provincial capital Jayapura, which borders Papua New Guinea. He was a passenger in a small twin otter plane touching down at Mulia Airport when the shooters opened fire on the plane. He died from a bullet wound to his neck.

The pilot, co-pilot and a mother and her 4-year-old son were injured in the attack, which saw the aircraft veer off the runway and crash into the terminal building.
"The circumstances of this attack highlight the situation in which journalists must do their work, and we join our colleagues in Indonesia and the International Federation of Journalists, IFJ in urging police to ensure the perpetrators behind this horrible act are brought to justice," says PFF chair Titi Gabi, of Papua New Guinea.
"The safety and security of civilians including journalists rests on the ability of Police and law enforcers, and is especially critical during election periods and when reporting from dangerous or unstable locations."

"We express condolences to the colleagues and family of Leiron Kegoya, and ask that Papua's police and Indonesia's leadership ensure this investigation not taper into silence, but that those responsible can be identified and brought to justice," says PFF co chair Monica Miller of American Samoa. The Pacific Freedom Forum adds its solidarity to condemnation of the attack from other media networks including the national Indonesia media association, AJI, the International Federation of Journalists, IFJ, and Reporters without Borders, RSF. -- ENDS

Pacific Media Watch:
Pacific Scoop:

1203 Fiji reserve des terres pour le FLNKS - GFLM

Le President du Groupe Fer de Lance Melanesien, GFLM, Premier Ministre du Gouvernement Fidjien, le Commandant Bainimarama a remis des baux fonciers aux representants des Gouvernements des Iles Salomons, Vanuatu et de Papouasie Nouvelle Guinee, fin mars, pendant la reunion du Sommet Special des Leaders du GFLM qui s’est tenue a Suva afin d’y construire leurs chancelleries. 
Credit photo : MINFO - pacifkanakynews - Victor TUTUGORO representant officiel du FLNKS pour les questions du GLFM.

Il a aussi annonce que des terres etaient affectees pour le Front de Liberation Kanak et Socialiste, FLNKS.
Ces contrats de location interviennent après que les Ministres des Affaires Etrangeres du GFLM aient convenus que les missions diplomatiques membres du Groupe devaient se renforcer dans les Capitales du GFLM.

Le Commandant Bainimarama a declare “qu’en vous remettant ces baux, je tiens ici a reaffirmer le renforcement de la cooperation de Fidji dans le GFLM. Je me rejouis de votre présence accrue dans les îles Fidji comme un moyen de faire progresser les differents accords et collaborations que nos pays ont scelles au cours des 25 dernières années depuis la création du GFLM, nous continuerons à nous renforcer en marchant solidairement comme un front uni. Cette main tendue signifie l’unite et la solidarite des Pays Melanesiens. »

Aussitôt, le Premier Ministre des Iles Salomons, l’Honorable Gordon Darcy Lilo accompagne de son Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres, l’Honorable Clay Forau ont visites leur location et ont signes leurs contrats de location.
Mr Patterson Otti, un ancien Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres et politicien de longue date des Iles Salomons a pris ses fonctions a Suva en qualite de Haut-Commissaire Salomonais aux Iles Fidji.
 Ainsi que le Premier Ministre du Vanuatu, Meltek Sato Kilman Livtuvanu, accompagne par son Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres, l'Honorable Alfred Carlot, ont egalement visite le terrain alloue et signe leur contrat.

PNG et Vanuatu ont deja une representation diplomatique a Suva. 

Magalie TINGAL
Suva - Fiji 
Mars 2012.

MSG Leader's declaration on Environment and Climate Change - PACNEWS PINA

Copyright Pacifikanakynews : from left to right : Caroline Machoro and Rodrigue Tiavouane 

11 APRIL 2012 SUVA (MSG SECRETARIAT) ---- The Leaders of the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) have agreed to act together for the people of Melanesia and sign the “MSG Leaders Declaration on Environment & Climate Change” at the Leader’s Summit on the 30 March 2012 at the Vale ni Bose Complex in Suva, Fiji.

They declared that the Leaders of the Melanesian Spearhead Group; the Republic of Fiji, the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, the Republic of Vanuatu and the Front de Liberation Nationale Kanak et Socialiste (FLNKS) of New Caledonia recognise the critical importance of a healthy environment for the long term livelihoods of the people of Melanesia.  The Leaders further acknowledged the need for MSG to take significant steps to ensure the management and conservation of their unique ecosystems and biodiversity including tropical forests, river systems, mountain and coastal ecosystems and marine resources;

The Leaders declared that the MSG realizes the global importance and contribution of the Melanesian marine and terrestrial biodiversity to Global Biodiversity and the need for urgent and significant action to conserve and manage these resources. The declaration by the MSG leaders highlights that climate change adds to the existing challenges of growing populations and socio-economic development threatening the status of our natural environment, and the role of healthy ecosystems as essential natural infrastructure in mitigating and protecting us from the impacts of climate change. 

The declaration also endorses the adoption of a “Framework for Green Growth” as the basis for all development and note the significance of existing regional initiatives such as the Pacific Mangroves Initiative, Coral Triangle Initiative and other related initiatives supported by donors and partners.  It also notes the various calls for global action on climate change in particular its focus on threats of Climate change to the viability of some of MSG’s island communities.

The Leaders declared that members take together, a significant step forward in the development of the MSG with this agreement for a joint Melanesia Environment and Climate Change Declaration. The Leaders of the MSG called for a “Melanesia Blue Carbon Initiative” that will recognize the significant role of mangroves, wetlands, coastal swamps and sea grass beds in sequestering carbon as well as other inherent benefits such as coastal protection and food security. This initiative will also inform decision makers in Melanesia on the scale and value of these important areas as well as a strategy to conserve and manage these resources.

Leaders also announced the establishment of a “Melanesia Terrestrial Commitment” for the conservation, sustainable management and restoration of their terrestrial environment and ecosystems. The Melanesia Terrestrial Commitment will formalize an obligation from each of the Members’ to conserve and manage forests, major water catchments and river systems, mountain and coastal eco-systems as well as ensure sustainable land use practices are applied with agriculture and development. Traditional landowner communities will be effectively engaged and supported in the process of managing and conserving their environment.   This will include the strengthening of landowner communities and principal partners to sustainably manage their natural resources including forests, wetlands, fresh water and other natural ecosystems through co-management arrangements for long-term management effectiveness.

The Declaration also extends towards “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) + like” benefits to non-forest owning communities and non-forest ecosystems. Leaders also called on members to establish sustainable financing mechanisms at a regional and national level to support restoration, management and conservation activities.  They further called on members to invest in national capacity to manage natural resources at various levels including Government, Civil Society and land owning communities.
Leaders said that members must ensure that the benefits from healthy terrestrial ecosystems are sustainable and resilient in times of climate and environmental change.  They called on the enhancement of the sustainable livelihoods of landowning communities, who are dependent on mineral or oil/gas wealth, and to manage and retain their natural heritage by engaging in future economic activities (ecotourism, Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES), pharmaceuticals).

Leaders called on all members to lead regional and global efforts in the delivery of the 2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets.  Leaders also called for the development of a Melanesia Green Climate Fund to be resourced by climate change mitigation and adaptation funding and other innovative mechanisms including investments from the mining and extraction industries and private sector This will support the implementation of the Melanesia Terrestrial Initiative and related marine activities to undertake climate mitigation and adaptation action.

They also said that they are committed to a significant MSG role in Environment and Climate Change issues by formalizing an MSG Environment and Climate Change Ministers meeting, a MSG Environmental and Climate Change Technical Advisory Group and an Environment and Climate Change Unit in the MSG Secretariat. Leaders tasked the MSG Environment and Climate Change Ministers to oversee the effective implementation of their Declaration with regular reports to the MSG Leaders Forum.

The MSG Leaders invited global and regional partners, private sector interests in Melanesia including mining and other extraction industries, to work with the MSG to achieve the results that MSG aspire to in the Declaration. ....PACNEWS (PINA)

Saturday, April 14, 2012

RDK looks to English Pacific for media training by Dr Robie - PMC NZ

Veuillez trouver ici sur le lien l'article publie par le Dr David Robie du Pacific Media Center de l'AUT d'Auckland en Nouvelle-Zelande sur mon intervention au second Sommet des Medias du Pacifique - Mars 2012 - Deuba - Fiji Islands
 Copyright PACIFIKANAKYNEWS : L/R : Peni Namotou - Kelepi Abariga - Magalie Tingal

Pacific Scoop:
Report – By Magalie Tingal of Radio Djiido
Radio Djiido – the “voice of the Kanak people” that was founded as a station supporting independence for Kanaky – is branching out into the English-speaking region with a training focus at the University of the South Pacific.
The radio was established by Jean-Marie Tjibaou, the late leader of the Kanak independence movement (FLNKS),  on September 24, 1985. September 24 is the date France formally colonised New Caledonia in 1853.
The objective behind the creation of the radio station was to “counterbalance” biased information spread by the anti-independence political groups in New Caledonia.
Radio DjiidoFor two years, the announcers and the journalists of Radio Djiido were not paid. This early period, when the FLNKS supporters were struggling in the mid-1980s for independence from France, was called the “les Evenements”.
RDK (Radio De Kanaky, which is another name for Radio Djiido) was guarded 24 hours a day by volunteer militants to prevent attacks from the pro-France opponents or the police.
Later, when the political situation had calmed, the FLNKS structured RDK more formally. Many of the activists stayed on and became “professional” broadcasters by gaining field experience.
RDK struggled to stay afloat, first because of its political beginnings and objective but also because running a radio station is just expensive.
Leading station
However, Radio Djiido has grown to become the leading radio station in New Caledonia.
Following continuous restructuring, Radio Djiido now has a new station in the heart of Noumea, three offices in the North, one in Lifou and it has launched the Mare office earlier this month.
While we are growing well with improved technical capabilities, we have a new struggle.
For any media company, upskilling workers is important. We have had journalists going to France for further studies.
But upon their return, they either stayed for a short time or left for greener pastures offered by the state broadcaster RFO or French television.
If all journalists trained by RDK had remained with the company, the radio station would have had the largest pool of trained journalists in our newsrooms and give an effective voice for indigenous people.
Today we are able to broadcast live from all over the country, as long as we have an internet connection.
Radio passion
Several villages only have Radio Djiido in their homes and this is an area that seriously needs to be addressed.
For us remaining workers, the passion to keep the station alive is the sole motivating factor of why we continue to work for the company.
To counter the brain drain, our board has decided to change our training policy, where the University of the South Pacific in Fiji has been chosen as the training ground.
I am a product of that policy.
RDK has decided to train its staff here in the Pacific region simply because we are all colleagues, brothers and sisters.
We face similar issues and challenges. We also envisage having a greater presence in the region.
This is not the last time you will hear of Radio Djiido.

Magalie Tingal is a journalist with Radio Djiido and also a journalism student at the University of the South Pacific. This article was adapted from her speech at the PINA 2012 Pacific Media Summit in Fiji last week.
Mars 2012

LE FLNKS est pret a recevoir la delegation du GFLM en juillet prochain

 Credit photo : Ministere de l'Information de la Republique de Fiji - de gauche a droite : Victor Tutugoro, representant du FLNKS pour les questions du GFLM, l'Honorable Gordon Darcy Lilo PM des iles Salomons, l'Honorable President du GFLM le Commandant Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama - PM des Iles Fiji, l'Honorable Meltek Sato Kilman Livtuvanu PM du Vanuatu et l'Honorable Ano Pala Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres de PNG (representant officiel de PM O'Neil) .

 Suva le 29 mars 2012.

Rythmee par le protocole militaire  d’une part, et culturelle d’autre part, l’ouverture du sommet special des Leaders du Groupe Fer de lance Melanesien  a du etre deplacee dans la plus grande salle omnisport de  Suva – Vodafone Arena-  en raison de la pluie.
Ensuite les Leaders se sont diriges vers ce qui etait jusqu’a quelques semaines encore, le Grand Conseil des Chefs (VALE NI BOSE)  pour prononcer leur discours et vont se reunir pendant deux jours avant de partir en retraite et d’acter les resolutions de ces deux dernieres semaines qui ont concretises un an de travail par le secretariat de Port-Vila.
Dans son discours d’ouverture, le representant du FLNKS, Victor Tutugoro : a declare au Premier Ministre Fidjien le Commandant Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama que le FLNKS sera pret a l’acceuillir en juillet prochain au pays.
En effet, le president du Groupe Fer de Lance Melanesien, a decider d’avant de donner la main a Kanaky de faire le tour des Capitales de la Melanesie.
Kanaky avec notre processus en cours interesse particulierement les Leaders de la Melanesie.
Victor Tutugoro a aussi declare que :
  • Le FLNKS réuni en congrès le weekend end dernier a décidé de mettre en œuvre une stratégie commune, rassemblée et unitaire pour porter l’accord de Nouméa et relever l’un des défis majeurs qui est celui de convaincre pour rassembler une majorité électorale autour de son projet d’accession à l’indépendance et à la pleine souveraineté pour Kanaky..
  • Et que ce meme congres  a rappelé par ailleurs l’importance pour Kanaky/Nouvelle Calédonie à s’insérer pleinement et entièrement dans la région aux côtés des pays de la Mélanésie pour relever les enjeux qui se posent aux peuples du Pacifique. Fin de citation.

    Enfin, il a aussi precise  que le FLNKS s’appuiera sur la logistique du Secretariat afin de preparer nos echeances en matiere regionale qui sont le prochain sommet, les Jeux dela Melanesie et le 25eme anniversaire du groupe tout ca l’annee prochaine. Evenements qui toujours selon Victor Tutugoro donneront un éclat particulier en Kanaky. 

 De Suva Fiji
Magalie TINGAL
pour Radio Djiido
Mars 2012